Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Modern Mixed Use Residence with Series of Terraces

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Modern mixed-use residence built with reinforced concrete has total six level floors. The ground space is for restaurant while others are residential spaces. Each level of floor has a terrace. While the architecture of this modern mixed-use residence really modest and standardized to local environment architecture style, a surprising yet interesting structure built on fifth and sixth floor levels. The fifth and sixth floor levels of this modern mixed-use residence connect each other and become inner courtyard garden. The inner courtyard garden becomes an oasis on the middle of Tokyo. Further more makes the house building more supple compare with its rigid construction. The sixth floor level consists of half volume shaded area for library and other is sloping concrete roof with grass on it. In fifth floor level, kitchen and dining area placed surrounding inner courtyard. The interchangeable atmosphere of both floor levels is quiet interesting. While its time to relax and read books, you can have views of the busy Tokyo, green of grass, and grove of tree that planted in inner courtyard of fifth floor.

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