Monday, August 24, 2015

Townhouse Inspiration Design Architectural

Townhouse Inspiration Design Architectural modern contemporary style, Lighting Home Design, Urban Dynamic Home, Modern Minimalist, minimalist garden, unique decorative door, minimalist design, architecture, home design ideas, house design, home desing idea, innovative design, Interior Design, modern interior, classic interior design ideas, elegant classic interior design, luxury interior house design, modern luxurious classic style interior Home Design, Inspiration Design, interior home design

Modern contemporary house design inspiration, unified with tropical plants and pool, present comfortableness and calmness for resident. With double deck concept, make this house design is so innovative. This home design concept take inspiration from cool oasis at the middle of desert. To realize that concept, architect group house unit in cluster pattern, while public facilities like swimming pool and barbeque placed at the middle of townhouse. Opened area in the middle of every cluster fill with various facilities like pedestrian, playing area, pool, tropical garden, sitting area, and fountain which become house orientation and at the same time as public area which use by townhouse resident. Every house layout nearby, and designed with wide aperture which faces to public area, so it create chummy atmosphere, spacious, without overrules resident privacy. Every unit of the house completed with continuous void from base floor until roof so can maximize natural light and fresh air at dweller. In order to get secure areas for child playing opened room at the middle of cluster surrounded by pedestrian. Vehicle circulation and parking area every house separate and placed in basement area. Basement floor not in every house, but unified, and covers the entire townhouse, formed separate basement under the building floor. This basement can be access trough stairs in every house and through main stairs which placed near the townhouse main gate. That townhouse structure known as double deck concept. This design refer to promenade architecture concept, flows journey from room and the next room and give different experience, and do not monotonous so do not boring and lifts human side in design. That design supported with bony concrete construction which become base floor platform, while stairs and frame each of house use steel and aluminum. Low maintenance low and environment friendly also anticipate white ants problems, make building process easy, and give modern impression. Every unit of house consists of three floors in modern contemporary style. Front of house stick out aperture in geometry form so unified outer room and landscape with inside room. That façade “framed” by brown wall and green balcony accent, also metal partition formed in horizontal lines. At every house unit, there is basement for parking area, guest room, services area, and continuous void. First floor arranged for family room, dining room, and kitchen, while second floor for main bedroom, and main bathroom, and also two bedrooms for children. Every room open designed, while void area only partitioned with glass wall. Natural material like veneer, laminate flooring, and HPL have fiber wood pattern give tropical atmosphere warmness, and unified with fabric materials like glass and aluminum frame which have cool impression. Wall inside house dominated white colors so it feels spacious and there is inter-room visual.

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