Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Box Structure and Corridor Architectural Dynamic Form Home Design

geometrical architecture, geometrical home design, geometry design, harmony processing, roof frame use steel structure, Steel slim structure, technology aspects, wave steel, Architect use wide site, elements processing, excellence technology, home design ideas, stainless steel blend, structural processing, architecture for home with aperture, living room design ideas, room visual design ideas, architecture design, indisch design, wall papaer painting, modern architecture style, modern home design, Bathroom Design

This house maybe has inspiration design for you to build house at corner. Have land at the corner of block means open an opportunity for architect to make unique architecture design. One of the uniqueness is this house has front and side façade, allow space layout inside. This house design strived so created slim building composition or fragmentation decomposition to appear dynamic and continuous rooms. This house design pointed to produce magnificent experience, especially in transition room which can blur border between outside room and inside room. The house design method is change room between room become box structured and make corridor which become representation of fragmentation. The home consist of two building. Main building consist of two floor and distance given, created space between two floor. First floor has function as family room and dining room with pantry inside. Second floor use for sitting room and bedrooms. Second building at the backyard, use for services area and also toilet. Enter the living room, seem corridor with inner court that created from buildings layout. This open area use as freshener element with placed reflective pool at the middle of inner court. Thereby, this semi-open transition area became efficient horizontal and vertical circulation access. Steel slim structure exposed. Wall layerers not only create functional room, but also inner court corridor that open from inside, like family room which designed from glass fold doors. From inside, view to outside is wide because big door aperture also windows surrounding that inner court. From front of building, seems layered playing, supported by contras building materials, but follow tropical concept. Tropical concept explicit by flat roof, like thin big umbrella. All of roof frame use steel structure, the roof make from wave steel so give light impression. Slim design meant to impress modern style of this house. Wall colors have tropic nuance, yellow and gray with white accent. Although stiff, layer playing able to make the design live. Not only that, plane and lines elements use as room changer so building character seem full of composition element playing of design. Various but harmonic architectural design. This house design built base on modern thinking in order to stronger the architecture form. Spatial and visual architecture form. For that the house has harmony processing, from the geometrical forms, element, until clear character. That processing created functional design and also without decorative element, consider with place, weather, light, and technology aspects.

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